Throughout my career, many people have used the term 504 and IEP interchangeably, almost as if they are the same. They are not. Though they both can help your child learn better in school, I wanted to take this time to share with you some key differences.
504 Plans
504 plans offer accommodations (i.e. extended time, filled in notes, breaks etc…) to students in the general education classroom. These students need accommodations to help them access the curriculum. 504 plans are a civil rights law (section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act) that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. A parent can call a 504 meeting at any time (to the principal) if they feel that their child needs accommodations …show more content…
Just having the disability won’t necessarily qualify you for an IEP. Your child is usually failing or struggling even with interventions in the general education classroom. There disability is impacting them from learning.
You can request an IEP evaluation at any time (written letter) to the school. Your child will undergo testing in academic and psychological evaluations to determine areas of weakness. If your child does demonstrate such, the team will write goals, based on your child’s needs and accommodations in the classroom that should help them be successful. The IEP team consists of teachers, parents, administrator, psychologist and any specialists that were called (i.e. speech and language pathologist). An IEP meeting will be held every year to talk about progress on goals. Every three years (triennial) your child will be evaluated to see if they still qualify for Special Education Services.
This is just an overview of the differences. There is not one that is “better” than the other. They are both in place to help your child succeed in school. I wish you all a fantastic school year and please don’t hesitate to contact me with further