This paper compares the United States Army's espoused cultural values, as an organization, with its enacted cultural values. First, describing the Army culture. Next addressed is how the Army builds its culture through communications. Finally, this paper examines how the Army had institutionalized organizational conflict. First, look at the organization's culture.…
Trust, military expertise, honorable service, esprit de corps, and stewardship are the five characteristics of the Army Profession.1 Each characteristic contains its own level of significance in the Army. It’s arguable that no characteristic can be more prestigious than the other. However, my experience in the Army has taught me that all these characteristics can be tied to trust. Trust is the blood that allows the Army to thrive, supplying life both to its surrounding people and to its internal organization. Trust brings unity, raising morale between leaders and their subordinates. Not only do we rely on each other’s knowledge and expertise for guidance, but the American people also rely on us to serve and protect our nation’s land. They rely on our guardianship, our honorable service, and entrust that our timeless morals, traditions, and values will remain intact throughout the change of leadership.…
A prearranged refresher course done by the unit’s SHARP representative would be beneficial as our section has not had a female soldier in approximately three years. It is imperative that all soldiers understand there is a zero tolerance in the US ARMY for sexual harassment and/or sexual assault.…
If a facility is made available for victims to either report such attacks outside of their chain of command and feel safe doing so they would then be more inclined to report incidents when they occur. This facility would then follow up on these reports and deal with those involved personally and maintain confidentiality. Recommendation 5 states, “With the participation of the center for accountability for sexual assault and harassment: Develop a simple, broad definition of sexual harassment that effectively captures all dimensions of the member’s relationship with the CAF. Develop a definition of adverse personal relationship that specifically addresses relationships between members of different rank, and creates a presumption of an adverse personal relationship where the individuals involved are of different rank, unless the relationship is properly disclosed. Define sexual assault in the policy as intentional, non-consensual touching of a sexual nature. Give guidance on the requirement for consent, including by addressing the impact on genuine consent of a number of factors, including intoxication, differences in rank, and the chain of command.” The sixth recommendation is, “With the…
It is known as any act of unwanted sexual advances, favors and/or verbal and physical touching in a sexual nature between both same and opposite sexed individuals. According to the military law center, "In the military, sexual harassment accusations are taken more seriously and prosecuted more ferociously because the military holds service members to a higher ethical standard." The United States military takes any form of sexual offenses as very serious and those who participate in the act are punished with jail time and a lifetime registration on the sex offender registry where ever the individual is located. All individuals are innocent until they have been proven guilty of the act of sexual harassment in the military. Once the attacker is found guilty, he or she may be dishonorably discharged, dismissed from the armed forces, as well as the confinement in a military prison. They may also be face other charges given to them by the military, such as conduct unbecoming of a member. In the different branches of the military there are a few different programs that help educate those of the armed forces on how to prevent sexual harassment and keep themselves from being accused of the act. In the army, the name of that program is SHARP. The SHARP program is responsible for educating everyone in the military on what sexual assault/ harassment is, the three different categories of sexual harassment, how an individual may help themselves or someone else who is a victim of harassment, as well as providing and helping victims file complaints when need be. Sexual harassment in this work field is not tolerated, and the Army and every other branch in the military are all for finding ways to not only protect those involved but to also help prevent the act from taking place to begin…
“On May 1, 2014, the Department of Defense published an updated version of the Sexual Assault Prevention Strategy which is designed to ensure the Department achieves proactive and comprehensive sexual assault prevention programs in order to reduce sexual assault in the military” (SAPRO). DoD’s sexual assault prevention is organized to administer effective prevention methods and programs. The desired result is an atmosphere where mutual respect and trust, professional values, and team commitment are reinforced to create an environment where sexual assault is not tolerated. To assist military sexual assault response professionals, the DoD’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office developed and manages “SAPR Connect,” an online platform to share ideas, research, insights from experts, and news from the…
Sexual assault is a horrific crime. Sexual abuse can be verbal or physical. Sexual harassment can also be a form of sexual abuse. Many people believe sexual assault should be a crime severely punished. When one examines the stories of Kori Cioca, Michael Matthews, and Hannah Sewell he realizes sexual in the military should be severely punishable.…
He is looking for a place he can call home where internal growth or upward mobility is encouraged. The “pisces” in him likes to serve and help others and that is evident thru his enrollment into the US Airforce in 2005. He wanted to serve and protect our country and the people who live here. He has a passion to help people and enjoys connecting with people in person or over the phone. A lot of the core values he learned while in the Airforce are the values he brings to the workplace as well, such as, Integrity, Service before self and Excellence in all you/we…
Integrity is one of the most talked about and most abused of the Seven Army Values. First we must define integrity it is doing the right thing consistently. That means that we must do the legally and morally correct thing every time. Just because something is hard or unpleasant does not mean that we can look the other way. Doing the right thing is not a matter of deciding do I help my fellow soldier and let him slide on an Army regulation or do I uphold the regulation. It means doing both they are both equally important. Sometimes helping a soldier means that you must enforce the regulations and in some cases that can mean discharging them from the Army at other times it means fighting for the soldier and getting them the help that they need to succeed in the Army.…
The problem of sexual assault in the military reflects the problem of sexual assault in the entire US population…
Sexual assault is a hot issue, the definition of what constitutes assault and its repercussion effect the whole of society. The United States Department of Justice defines sexual assault as, “Any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient” (DOJ). CPT Bryan believes that the military tries more cases for sexual assault, cases that civilian lawyers would never touch. He has never had a commander wavier on prosecution, his philosophy is if there is probable cause and you believe ethically that a case could be tired and won then we should see where justice takes us. In contrast, in the civilian sector where you have cases that there is intimate partner violence or a sex assault accusation in an…
Sexual harassment and sexual abuse has been a reoccurring theme in the military. The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) defines military sexual trauma (MST) as “psychological trauma…result(ing) from a physical assault of a sexual nature, battery of a sexual nature, or sexual harassment which occurred while the Veteran was serving on active duty or active duty for training” (38 USC § 1720D; Monteith, Bahraini, Matarazzo, Soberay, & Smith, 2016). Although the military offers services to Veterans that have suffered MST, victims still feel reluctant to report the issue or seek services. Most of these cases go unreported because the victim fears that they will be reprimanded, shunned by their peers, and may even…
The Air Force core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do have been the basic framework for my personal leadership philosophy of leading by example.1 I am proud of my Air Force background and those values have shaped life both personally and professionally. I joined the Air Force right out of high school and early on in my career I was fortunate to have been mentored by a two commanders that not only spoke of the Air Force core values, but also lived by them. I did not actually realize how ingrained those core values were until I started taking traditional college business classes. I pulled from my Air Force experiences and those core values repeatedly for group projects and papers I had to write for classes.…
Soldiers and leaders of the Army live by seven Army Values, all of which are equally important. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and the seventh value "Personal Courage". Personal Courage as defined by the Army, is to face fear, danger or adversity. Personal Courage is the ability one has to overcome a difficult task or situation with steadfastness, or in contrast, to do the moral and right thing when given an opportunity to benefit themselves, by hurting someone else.…
Besides being potentially catastrophic for the victim, significant numbers of sexual assaults in the ranks is a disgrace to the military. In addition, it “imposes significant costs[,]…impairs mission readiness as a whole,” and “disrupts unit cohesion.” (U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Sexual Assault in the Military 2013)…