This Pace Chart has been designed as a time management tool that when used properly will help you stay on track and complete the course successfully. Each week you are in the course you will need to complete the lessons listed for that week. *Please plan ahead and call your instructor for the Discussion Based Assessments: 1.10 and 3.06. *Remember to begin participating in 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Your physical activity will be logged on your Wellness Plans: 1.09, 2.08, and 3.05.
ALL workouts and fitness tests must be completed and all assignments must be submitted prior to receiving the final exam password. If you have any questions about the pace charts, do not hesitate to talk to your instructor! You will want to be on pace or ahead of pace at all times.
Assignments to be completed
Sunday Night Assignment Due Date
1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 A: Fitness Assessment, 1.03 B: Fitness Assessment Video Submission 1/25/2015
1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07 2/1/2015
1.08, 1.09 Wellness Plan, 1.10 DBA 2/8/2015
2.00, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03 2/15/2015
2.04 A, 2.04 B, 2.05, 2.06 2/22/2015
2.07, 2.08 Wellness Plan, 3.00, 3.01 3/1/2015
3.02, 3.03, 3.04, Collaboration Product, Collaboration Reflection 3/8/2015
3.05 Wellness Plan, 3.06 DBA, 3.07 Final Exam
As the student I understand I may be dropped from the class if I do not maintain this pace. As the parent/guardian, I agree to check each week to see that my child has completed the work listed.
Student [Print Name]: _Austin Taylor____________________________
Parent or Guardian [Print Name]: Angela Taylor_____________________