The major event that most impacted my life is that of the terrorist attack on America on September 9, 2001. It is a day that will forever burn in my memory and its impact on my life will continue throughout old age. It is one of those events that people all over the globe will remember, where they were and what they were doing. September 9, 2001 changed so much about how American conducted business: It lead to major changes at Airports and Ports of entries. Travelers are now subjected to vigorous …show more content…
The effect of this devastating event for me and others in old age is the fact that we lost our innocence, we were forced to see how vulnerable we were. Our sense of security was violated and as a result many are afraid of flying and those who do have moments of trepidation. The immediate and lingering effects of September 11 on individuals are varied in scope and shape, but everyone is impacted.
One of the major changes, seen by Villemez, J. (2011) is the new words and phrases that are now a part of our common speech. Words such as “ground Zero”, “Taliban”, and “9/11”. My aging process will be directly impacted by this event; in the way I view others and my understanding of how the other communities of the world view America.
My grandparents, aging were directly influenced by the events of the World War 2. During those years people had to live with rationing of food and supplies and as a result people in that age group were very conservative and tend to live very frugally because that was the life they knew. During this period, people were brought together and so there was a stronger sense of community and