In Hachiko, by Pamela S. Turner, a dog named Hachiko shows loyalty to his owner named Dr.Ueno. In paragraph twenty-five, it states " As they years passed and Hachiko got older, he became very stiff and could barely walk to Shibuya Station. But still, he went every day". This shows that Hachiko was very loyal even after Dr.Ueno's death.
In the poem, "A Blessing", the author James Wright felt happiness and calmness around two Indian ponies. Even though he suffered
from anger issues, the ponies made him calm and "break into blossom." In lines twenty-three twenty-four, it states "Suddenly I realize that if I stepped out of my body I would break into blossom".
Lastly, the story "Black Cowboy, Wild Horses", shows that a human and their pet are a great team. In paragraph twenty-eight, it states