Some job duties that are required of a CRNA are the following:
• Reviewing medical history, evaluating patients and determining proper methods of anesthesia.
• Accurately measuring and monitoring the level and speed at which anesthesia is administered.
• Monitoring patient’s vital signs to ensure safety.
• Informing the surgeon if a patient becomes unstable.
• Attending to patients needs before, during, and after surgery.
• Overseeing patient recovery from anesthesia.
If I become a CRNA I would make anywhere from $90,000 to $196,000 a year. It honestly depends on where you live. Where I am planning to live …show more content…
That’s only a couple of the things you need to have to become a CRNA. When you become a CRNA you need a certain type of medical insurance, anesthesiologist and even surgeons need this. The more you get paid the more it costs. And every year you have to go back and take a test to make sure you are up to date on all the new technology and discoveries that are made. But you have to pay for them. I recently talked to an RN and she said that when she started out in her career that she had to pay about $250 dollars to take a test, but she didn’t say how much the test cost now, but I assume they’re more than $250 dollars. Going to school and working as a CRNA is a difficult and challenging field. When you’re going to school its very competitive, even though it is a very exigent field I hope that one day I’ll be as successful and accomplished as I ever