Also its affordable in some cases financial aid is available. You don’t need to have a degree to become a CNA, you just need to have a High School Diploma or GED. After you complete your training, you will need to pass your exam to become a CNA. Being a CNA, you are on your feet most of your shift, so you should be in fairly good shape, if this is your interest in the health care field. Sometimes they require a lot of lifting and bending as a Certified Nurse Assistant. One of the most difficult things for CNA is dealing with behavioral patients (,
Also its affordable in some cases financial aid is available. You don’t need to have a degree to become a CNA, you just need to have a High School Diploma or GED. After you complete your training, you will need to pass your exam to become a CNA. Being a CNA, you are on your feet most of your shift, so you should be in fairly good shape, if this is your interest in the health care field. Sometimes they require a lot of lifting and bending as a Certified Nurse Assistant. One of the most difficult things for CNA is dealing with behavioral patients (,