
A Raisin In The Sun And The House On Mango Street Essay

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A Raisin In The Sun And The House On Mango Street Essay
Dreams of the future can be changed, manipulated, or can even hold false hope. One can dream of being or doing something they truly aspire and it can make them accomplish it. Even though this is possible, people can experience not having the support from people that are in their everyday lives. In Lorraine Hansberry’s play, “A Raisin in the Sun” and the novel “The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros, both authors convey the idea that women must work hard for their dreams of having a better future even when men do not support their idea like Beneatha when she is told by his brother, Walter, and her boyfriend, George, that she is wasting her time on studying on becoming a doctor and Alicia knowing that she has to fulfill her duty of being …show more content…
Living in poverty and women being oppressed by men is a common a theme one can see. Esperanza dreams of having a house she can call it home. Women have dreams where they wish they could be something more than just a housewife that is stuck in an endless cycle. Esperanza has a friend who tries to be two things at the same time. Alicia is a woman who has barely started to study at a university. Her mom has died and she is now the one that has to wake up early to do things her mother would do. Her father is not encouraging of Alicia being something other than a woman who has responsibilities at home because that is a woman’s place. Alicia is someone who, “doesn’t want to spend her whole life in a factory or behind a rolling pin...she studies all afraid of nothing except of four-legged fur. And fathers” (31-32). Alicia is a young lady who is determined to continue studying even without the approval of her father because she wants to be more in life than someone with no further education. Complications like acting as a mother, does not stop her from pursuing something she desires even if she is afraid of her father who presumably wants her to quit going to school. Alicia does not want to be overpowered by men that tell women what to do and if having to deal with housewife duties and studying all night to get what she dreams, then she must undertake those

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