The effect of the light through the door creates an image of America being a holy land or heaven. It allows for the viewer to feel relief that the pair reached their final destination. Not only does their final moments as they make it to America touch the hearts of the viewers, but the little girls innocent and playful attitude throughout the commercial. It is much harder to “hate” a little girl, rather than an adult. This use effectively creates emotion within the viewer of the commercial as they sympathize for the pair. At the end of the commercial, the man who built the door in the wall in seen driving away with a truck filled with lumber. As he is driving, words appear on the screen: “The will to succeed is always welcomed here.” This is the only use of text and the only words in English in the commercial. Yet, the words leave the viewer to think and reflect on what the true meaning means. Not that they are supporting illegal immigration or don’t support trump, but the will and determination of a mother to create a better life for her daughter, and their journey together to
The effect of the light through the door creates an image of America being a holy land or heaven. It allows for the viewer to feel relief that the pair reached their final destination. Not only does their final moments as they make it to America touch the hearts of the viewers, but the little girls innocent and playful attitude throughout the commercial. It is much harder to “hate” a little girl, rather than an adult. This use effectively creates emotion within the viewer of the commercial as they sympathize for the pair. At the end of the commercial, the man who built the door in the wall in seen driving away with a truck filled with lumber. As he is driving, words appear on the screen: “The will to succeed is always welcomed here.” This is the only use of text and the only words in English in the commercial. Yet, the words leave the viewer to think and reflect on what the true meaning means. Not that they are supporting illegal immigration or don’t support trump, but the will and determination of a mother to create a better life for her daughter, and their journey together to