The Impact on Learning
Table of contents
Epsen act
Impact on learning
Reflection and conclusions
The author of this report chooses to write about a child with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and from now on will be referred to as ADHD. He is at present studying to be a Special needs assistant at Waterford College of further education. His work placement is in a crèche where he sometimes helps a child who not diagnosed with ADHD, the staff think he may have the condition. It is hoped by compiling this report he will get a better understanding of the the condition and the child.
The author used the internet to compile …show more content…
The more you emphasize the good behaviours your child does, the better their self-concept will be. Focusing on bad behaviour alone can lead to esteem problems in the child with ADHD. So this should be foremost on a parents mind in order to avoid this potential hazard. If a child with ADHD misbehaves it is very important for a parent or a teacher to focus on the behaviour and not the child by doing so you are treating the child with dignity and respect. Yelling at a child with ADHD can be reactive but not constructive Give your child choices for what they can do. Children mimic the behaviour of parents and siblings so if a good example is set the child will learn to mimic this behaviour. It is also good to let a child make decisions for themselves, this is especially the case of a child with ADHD the more choices they will have will make them more independent and learn to develop and lead a rewarding …show more content…
3.Following these measures, if the child is still not benefiting from the programme being provided, he/she is then assessed.
4. SEN is confirmed with an assessment statement.
Once SEN is confirmed the individual planning process then begins. This involves a cyclical process in which the Planning Team design the child’s individual Plan to meet his/her SEN; the Plan is then carried out during the Implementation stage (<12 months); the Plan is Reviewed; and the results of the Review feed back into a new Plan for the next period Impact on learning
A child who has not been diagnosed with the condition may find it very hard to fulfil their true potential in the classroom. If a child is not listening to the teacher or fidgeting a lot and being disruptive they more often than not are sent to the back of the class if this happens a child may not get the proper education they deserve. This is why it is very important that parents and teachers if they think that a child may have symptoms of ADHD they should do all they can to get the child assessed ,If a child then is diagnosed with ADHD he or she will then get the proper care and attention they need in the classroom