
Aa Meeting Reflection

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Aa Meeting Reflection
I must admit I had some reservations attending an AA meeting even though it was for school/research purposes. I’ve always felt these meetings are for the weak people who do not have enough courage and desire to square up to their problems. My skepticism of the Alcoholic Anonymous arose from watching the effect of alcoholism on families, relationships, children etc. and I always felt that these meetings were a way for alcoholics to self-validate their actions and decisions, neglecting the harm and hurt they might have caused others, especially family members. This skepticism of mine remained as I made my way into an AA open meeting as a visitor, for the sake of gaining a better perspective into the purpose of the meetings, the methods utilized …show more content…
The orderliness of the members, the meeting procession was refreshing, and the pure emotions of joy, regrets, remorse, purpose and resolution that engulfed the room was contagious. I immediately saw, heard and felt the will to stay sober and away from alcohol from every person that spoke, or shared their stories or some words of encouragement and support. A lack of this will might have been the major contributing to alcoholism in the first place, but I could easily see that the purpose of the meetings and the program as a whole was to help every member gain the will and courage to take their journey of sobriety one day at a time. Every participant came in not only to get help with their problems, but also to offer a helping hand to others and support them through their arduous journey to sobriety. The participants were from all works of life, young and old, man and woman. Men who had lost it all; career, family, purpose and those who just want to gain control of their alcoholism before it starts affecting their lives, careers and families. There was a desire to encourage and praise the smallest of progress in a bid to get people to stay on track and not fall

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