1.0 Introduction
Situation analysis – Introduction to the case study
Technology has brought us into significant level of interface computing life. Mobile phone is one of the classic examples to prove that member of society has been influenced by the advance of high technology. Generally, people are demanding extensive technology within the mobile phone in term of the operating system which the manufacturers offer. Handset users are seeking for the software which provide them with most simplified use but yet still high-tech. In 2001, Microsoft made a move by producing Windows CE Pocket PC OS which later become the fear of many handset manufacturers (Redmond, 2011). Many handset manufacturers feel the needs of changing the operating system since then. They are wary whether Microsoft’s smartphone operating system will be the standard of next generation of handset.
Nevertheless, in the current situation, some of the giant handset companies such as LG, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, and Samsung are conducting alliances with Microsoft’s smart phone operating system. If Microsoft rapidly climb to the top that means the handset manufacturers may just become assembly companies. Thus, the battle between the handset manufacturers and Microsoft are occurred in order for survival attempt in the market.
Purpose of the report
The purpose of this report is to present the analysis of product innovation which offered by the companies. This report also provides the understanding of company’s strategies, system and process in which the company use to generate innovation of the product.
2.0 Discussion
2.1 Issue Identification
Assessing the case study, since 2002 many mobile phone manufacturers have faced the same competition. The invention of the Windows CE Pocket PC OS gave a big slam to most of the major handset vendors. The Microsoft’s