Ms. Farzana Elahi
Course Teacher
BBA program
School of Business
Asian University of Bangladesh
Md. Morsheduzzaman Sumon
Muzahidur Reza Chowdhury
Md. Shahiduzzaman Suza
Razia Begum (Rezu)
Zabhin Akter
Date of Submisson
02 December, 03
02 December, 03
School of Business
Asian University of Bangladesh
Sub: Submission of Assignment.
Dear Sir,
We have great pleasure to place before you our recent study on “AN ORGANISATIONAL SCENARIO FOR FITRIGHT,an auto parts supply organisation.” As a part of Assignment. We have completed our assignment as a part of partial requirement of BBA program under the supervision of our course teacher of Human Resource Management Abdullah-Hill-Muntakim.
This report attempts to describe our observations, learning and experience gained during the assignment conducted with the help of reference materials available. We have tried best to prepare this report as comprehensive and informative, as limited resources would allow.
We shall be highly obliged if you kindly accept Our report and hope that you would be kind enough to accept any mistakes that might have taken place beyond my view and will.
Finally, We shall be glad to answer any kind of query relating to this report, if necessary.
Thanking You.
Sincerely Yours,
Md. Morsheduzzaman Sumon Muzahidur Reza Chowdhury
Id-200310149 Id-200310183
Razia Begum (Rezu) Zabhin Akter
Id-200310049. Id-200310174
Md. Shahiduzzaman Suza
This work is a synopsis of our recent study on AN ORGANISATIONAL SCENARIO FOR FITRIGHT,an auto parts supply organisation as a part of Assignment.
At first we express our gratitude to the omnipresent & Almighty Allah whose invisible guidance helped us to complete this report.
We also would like to
References: 1.SINGER BARTA (January-Jun). 2.PONNO BARTA. -Published by Singer. 3.ANNUAL REPORT OF SINGER-2002. 4.PRODUCT DIRECTORY OF SINGER.