Research shows that forcing displays rules on employees that will take a heavy emotional toll. It is unnatural to expect anyone to smile all the time or to take abuse from customers, clients, or fellow employees. (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 288)
Positive affect is a mood dimension that consists of positive emotions that is excitement, self-assurance, and cheerfulness that the high end, and boredom, sluggishness, and tiredness is the low end. Negative affect is a mood dimension that consist of nervousness, stress, and anxiety that the high end, and relaxation, tranquility, and poise are the low end.
Constant of low-level stressful events can have potential to cause employees to experience gradually increasing levels of strain over time. Stress can build up with someone over time which in return can strain and stress at work can increase their moods. (Robbins & Judge, 2007, p. 269)
2. If you were a recruiter for a customer-service call center, what personality types would you prefer to hire and why? In other words, what individual differences are likely to affect whether an employee can handle customer abuse on a day-to-day basis?
If I was a recruiter for a customer-service call center, the personality types I would prefer to hire would be individuals that are not afraid to speak to different types of people on the phone. When customer-service reps make their phone calls they will receive many different types of responses some irate customers that will use foul language.
I would look to hire individuals with long attentions spans that can handle angry individuals. The individual differences are likely to affect whether an employee can handle is people who does not speak English. Customers that are abusive on the phone, the customer-services reps must be able to handle irate customers with a low normal face and not yell back at