Based on my interpretation on the originality report generated from (Turnitin). I can understand that the higher the percentage mean that the higher similarity content of the assignment submitted through (Turnitin) link.
Academic integrity scenario feedback
Scenario 1. This student already committed an academic offense called plagiarism by using other author 's work as his own. He copy and paste all the resources into his personal essay obtained from the university online library databases. He should use "Turnitin" to check the originality of his report and identify the other author 's work which is not belong to him.
Scenario 2. This student shall refer to the referencing guide line in the UOL library for online students in order to establish the definition of referencing which consist of paraphrase, summarise, quote and copy. She should use the (RefWorks) access provided by UOL, a referencing tool for online researching, writing and bibliography to assist her easily gather information required for her essay preparation and generate the citations and bibliographies. On top of that, she can refer to "Purdue OWL, Online Writing Lab" for the improvement of general writing, research and citation resources.
Plagiarism definition, (accessed : 15 Dec 2010)
Referencing guideline to develop a Bibliography,
Bibliography: (assessed : 15 Dec 2010) RefWorks, (assessed : 15 Dec 2010) Purdue Online Writing Lab, (assessed : 15 Dec 2010)