ACC/290 Vers sion 3
Syllab bus Sc chool of Business
CC/290 Vers sion 3
Principle of Accounting I
Co ourse Descrip ption This course cov vers the funda amentals of fin nancial accou unting as well as the identification, measurement, an nd porting of the financial effects of econom events on an enterprise Students w learn to ex mic n
will xamine financ cial rep info ormation from the perspec m ctive of manag gement. Othe topics includ decision m er de making, plann ning, and con ntrolling from the perspective of a practicing manage er. olicies
Fac culty and stud dents/learners will be held responsible for understan f nding and adh hering to all po olicies contained wit thin the follow wing two documents:
University policies: You must be logge into the stu p m ed udent website to view this document. e Instructor po olicies: This document is posted in the Course Mate d p
erials forum.
niversity policies are subjec to change. Be sure to read the policie at the beginning of each class. Policies ct es h Un ma be slightly different depe ay d ending on the modality in which you atte class. If y have rece e w end you ently changed d mo odalities, read the policies governing your current cla modality. d g ass ourse Materia als Co
mmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2009). Financial acc
D counting: Toolls for busines decision making ss (5th ed.). Ho oboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
All electronic ma aterials are av vailable on the student website.
Week One: Basic Accountin Princip
ng ples and Concept ts Details
Ident the four ba financial statements. tify asic
Class transactio using the rules of debit and credit. sify ons t Journ nalize basic tr ransactions. Post transactions from journals to ledgers. s Re eading Read Ch. 1 of Financi Accounting ial g.