When starting to write an essay at university, the first thing that should be done is to read the question that is being asked, once the question is understood, the next stage is to do the research by reading and gathering material that will enable you to answer the question. Reading material can by found from many sources, these sources can include books, websites and journals. Note taking through lectures can also help.
The information that we gather through reading or note taking needs to be used in an appropriate way. If quotes or citations are used is in a piece of work, it needs to be referenced correctly. Referencing work will show the reader that you have read around the subject, understood research and confirm that the material you have used is credible. One of the most important reasons to reference is to prevent Plagiarism Peers and Shields (2005) defines plagiarism as “presenting someone else’s work as your own” they also say it is a “specific form of cheating” (p1).
The Nursing and Midwifery code of professional conduct (2008) states that we “must deliver care based on the best available evidence or best practice”. This is another skill that will be promoted through academic writing. Writing essays will help the development of skills that will enhance our research methods and critical thinking. Reading past and present research will allow the writer to see methods that have been tried and proven to work, enabling the nurse