Report: Implications of Robotics
Introduction 3
Benefits & Limitations of Robotics for Individuals 4
Benefits & Limitations of Robotics for Organisations 6
Benefits & Limitations of Robotics for Government 8
Future of Robotics Reflection 10
Recommendations to Individuals for Future of Robotics 11 Recommendations to Organisations how to utilise Robotics in their Business 12
Recommendations to Governments on Policy Implications for Robotics 13
Conclusion 14
References 15
Robotic technology is predominant in today’s society; there have been many technological advances with the robots industry. It has impacted individuals, organisations and governments offering advantages and disadvantages throughout their existence. This report explores the benefits and constraints of robotic technology present in individuals in the first section. The second section investigates the influence of robots on organisations. Thirdly, it examines how robots welfares and complicates the government. Fourthly, a reflection on the future of robots and what is technology can contribute to civilisation. In the following sections, it uncovers and analyses the expertise and information systems of robotics and addresses issues of how individuals, organisations and governments can anticipate the innovative machinery and technology of robotics to consume in our lives.
A definition of what a robot or what robotic technology will generate a better insight of the characteristics of one, "a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks" (Robot Institute of America, 1979). As stated, it clarifies that a robot can be reprogrammable and multifunctional; thus robots are a flexible system and the concept of being altered to meet the
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