a. Responsibility for own actions; every individual is responsible for their own actions whether they are positive or negative. Positive actions are recognized and acknowledged by management for rewards, and negative actions can lead to disciplinary actions.…
Personal responsibility is an essential element in every aspect of one’s life. What exactly does personal responsibility mean; the answer is most likely different for everyone. Chuck Gallozzi may have summed it up best when he stated, “Responsibility is not a burden, it is a blessing” (Gallozzi, 2009, title page). Those nine simple words speak volumes in that taking responsibility or holding oneself accountable, answerable, for their actions or inactions, accepting the consequences that result from those actions or inactions and most important, understanding the effect one has on family, friends, loved ones, coworkers, and classmates. Gallozzi went on to say, “No, we are not responsible for all that happens to us, but we are responsible for how we think, feel and act when they happen” (Gallozzi, 2009, Para 1).…
Accountability is normally viewed as being responsible, giving an explanation of your actions, to somebody for something. When you take 100 percent responsibility for holding yourself accountable, your performance will improve, your relationships will thrive, people’s respect for you will increase, you will be a great example for others to follow, and your self-esteem will grow. How is it that in all these areas of your life you can see such dramatic improvement? Because when you hold yourself accountable to doing the things you know you should do, you will distinguish yourself from the crowd. I am convinced if you want to advance your life personally or professionally, you must hold yourself accountable for your actions, responsibilities, and goals. Think about it. Why should it be someone else’s job to make sure you are doing the things that you know you should to be doing? When someone has to hold me accountable, because I failed to do what I should have done, I have a serious conversation with myself. My belief is that no one should have to hold me accountable for my actions, responsibilities and goals. While I appreciate others helping me get better, I am the one that must hold myself to a higher standard than my peers. Make no mistake about it. You cannot achieve any worthwhile personal or professional goal, if you don’t hold yourself accountable. The reason is simple. It’s your life! If you have to be held accountable at work, don’t expect to be promoted or to experience any type of significant career advancement. If you have to be held accountable at home by your parents, roommate or spouse, it will grow old fast and your relationships will deteriorate. Holding yourself accountable is nothing more than following through with YOUR commitments and responsibilities. It’s doing what YOU know YOU should do, when YOU should it. Whether you are 15 years old or 60 years old, let today be the day that you make the commitment to yourself that you will NEVER…
As a Medical Officer of the US Air Force, one is expected to be professional and ethical enough to make decisions that positively impact on his or her department to the extent that he/she can be accountable for actions or consequences that arise as a result of their decisions or choices. In the true essence of the word, accountability comes in where an individual is under the obligation to justify their choice of actions to an interested party, in this case the US Air Force. As a medical professional within the air force, one is free to choose but never free from the consequences of his or her choice.…
Over the past ten years accountability has been used in a myriad of different ways. I have noticed the definition of accountability almost take over (and in some cases has) the definition of responsibility. Quite honestly differentiating accountability and responsibility can sometimes be challenging. The assigned article references doctors in the healthcare system (Mansouri, M., & Rowney, 2014 ). In the article it describes accountability as meaning several different things. When describing by understanding of what the article is truly trying to define where accountability is concerned is really all over the board. Essentially, accountability is being defined and re-defined based off of the circumstances surrounding what is going to be accountable and who is the one that is going to be accountable. The article’s authors bring a valid point as to the difficulty in not only fully defining accountability but more importantly the loose use of the accountability word itself. There is not suitable definition that can be applied across professional and no professional lines.…
Personal responsibility is extremely important in life because it dictates the quality of your life. Your life is directly affected by the level of personal responsibility you practice. The definition of personal responsibility is vague and broad. It is comparable to defining a personality trait that includes several traits in one. These traits include ethics, moral decisions, freedom of choice, self-discipline and accountability. Personal responsibility also plays a vital role in your success as a student. Your success as a college student has a direct correlation with personal responsibility. As a college student it is also important to have strategies in place for your success. Having a plan on how you are going to succeed keeps you on track and helps you to enhance your personal responsibility. Personal responsibility does not have the same meaning for everyone or the value that is placed on this practice.…
The dictionary defines punctual as: Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt. Under the rigid and disciplined structure of military life there is no margin for error. The slightest modicum of hesitation or procrastination can result in the tragic loss of innumerable lives. There are many circumstances where a failure to be prompt could have dire consequences. Under certain circumstances not arriving for guard duty at the designated time could allow a breach of security that could ultimately end in the brutal murder of your peacefully slumbering, unsuspecting battle buddies at the zealous hands of our insurgent foes. Choosing an example from a different segment of the spectrum of responsibility, we see how a noncommissioned officers failure to release his soldiers in a timely manner can affect the combat effectiveness of the entire unit. If this leaders long windedness results in a soldier consistently being released to go on shift without enough time to eat, the soldier may resort to eating junk food to prevent his stomach from reaching a painful, distended state. Over time these seemingly minor indiscretions on the part of this non commissioned officer could culminate in the sum total of a malnourished, ineffectual soldier. Keeping in mind that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, the callused behavior of one leader can exponentially reduce the combat readiness of an entire unit.…
The term “personal responsibility” can appear self explanatory. When looking deeper, there are many aspects to becoming personally responsible. I believe there are many choices I can make that pertain to the success of my career. While looking at the goals that need to be accomplished to reach that level of success, there needs to be a great deal of determination and concentration. I believe this is an immense part of personally responsible.…
The dictionary states that the meaning of the word accountability is “the state of being accountable, liable, or answerable”. This means to me that if I don’t hold accountability for all my gear than I am not doing my duty as a soldier. Holding accountability for my gear is important for many different reasons in fact. For one if anything were to happen to my gear I am held sole responsible for it. Also if it is stolen or ruined for my lack of accountability and due to my actions the company is held back from doing their duties or even I completing mine, I would also be the one held accountable for the hold back. If the gear was stolen I would need to pay for it and it wouldn’t be anyone else’s fault except my own, even if it were simply damaged I would need to replace and/or fix as swiftly as possible to complete my duties so that I am not the one holding back others. Specially with it coming so close to leaving on a mission it is crucial that I hold exceptional accountability for my gear for I would not want to be the sole reason for a glitch in the mission before even leaving, with everyone working so hard to get ready to leave and to have everything in working condition in order for the mission to hopefully go off without a hitch. Being accountable for my gear is to be dependable. Being dependable in keeping track of all my gear so that I am ready for anything that would be needed of me at any time, rather it’s from my country, my superiors, or my fellow soldiers. It is also crucial for me to hold accountability for my gear being a specialist I am setting an example for other soldiers below me and for me not to hold that accountability it doesn’t make me look like a very good role model to look upon in time of need, for any reason. Showing accountability is also a duty for me as a soldier to keep track of all of my gear. If my equipment was taken they could of tampered with the gear and then given it back with me not…
Accountability is often used synonymously with such terms as answerability, responsibility, liability and other terms associated with accountability. As an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in both the public and private (corporation) worlds. At its root, accountability involves either the expectation or assumption of account-giving behavior. For some people it is extremely hard to take accountability for their actions. They refuse to take responsibility for what they have done. As a child our parents teach us that when we do something wrong we are punished for it. As adults we are less prone to take that responsibility if we do something wrong, be it at work or at home.…
While it’s not easy to admit that you’ve made a mistake, personal responsibility means admitting that you’ve made a mistake. The definition of personal responsibility is "the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one 's actions."…
As a soldier of the world’s most powerful military force, the U.S Army, it is imperative that I demonstrate competence, efficiency, and professionalism at all times. To achieve this goal accountability is an absolute necessity. As a soldier I must maintain constant accountability of my equipment and my team. Without constant visual and/or physical security of my equipment I would be making it too easy for the enemy to take my equipment and use it against me and my fellow soldiers. Without accountability of my fellow soldiers I put them as well as myself in danger. If I don’t know where my team is it is impossible to come to their aid if needed and vice versa. That being said it is a key part in being a leader for that exact reason. You cannot be an effective leader without knowing or at the very least have some type of idea of the location of the ones you are leading and what they are doing at all times. Accountability in its self is a major part of not only being in the military, but many different aspects of life as well. The rules apply where ever you go. Parents must maintain accountability of their children, teachers must maintain accountability of their students, and supervisors must maintain accountability of their workers. No matter what you do in life you will have to keep accountability of someone or something, and someone will most likely be keeping accountability of you, there is no getting around it. Most crimes happen when people are lost and/or nobody knows where they are. If somebody at least knows the general area of where you are they can find you a lot quicker than if they were just searching where you might be. That in its self could be the difference between life and death. People lose their jobs over accountability every day. Whether it be losing a file, or not calling in sick, or just not calling to tell somebody that they are going to be late for whatever reason. A lack of focus and accountability loses…
Accountability in the military has to be one of the most important things to keep track of in the military. Always knowing where your Marines, tools, equipment, etc. are vital to mission completion.…
Accountability is important in the workplace because those in charge have needs that must be met, patrons have expectations for the quality of service, and our coworkers have expectations as well. It is important in every setting from home to work to play. Our kids want their friends to be held accountable for the things they do just as our boss wants us to be the same. Accountability is important to our spouses, children, friends, family, coworkers, and even stranger. You can never escape the expectation of being accountable. Everyone in your life expects it.…
If you stopped ten people in a public area, all ten people might tell you the same thing when asked to describe personal responsibility. Whenever you are driving in a car and you put your foot on the gas paddle your car speeds up. The result that action (putting your foot down on the gas paddle) the car goes faster. This scenario is a lot like personal responsibility. For every responsibility that is not fulfilled there is a reaction. Do not put your foot on the paddle the car does not go. Do not do what you said that you are going to do, that person could not trust you next time. For every reaction or action there is a consequence. That specific action could result in a bad reputation in a work place, or passed up on job opportunities. In school, group people may not want to give you a chance because you cannot keep your word and do what you say. For…