Sulfamic acid is the fastest de-scaler - It dissociates into hydroxonium ions more readily in aqueous solution than the others, therefore giving a greater concentration of atoms that are able to react with the calcium in lime scale. It is safe to use because it does not produce chlorine gas [5], which can be toxic. Sulfamic acid also has a low volatility. Disadvantages:
Sulfamic Acid can be an irritant to eyes or skin and is the most expensive of the de-scalers. Q2) How these de-scalers remove limescale
Limescale forms when hard water is heated above 61°C or when itjshdjsfhjsdfhos;dfoisdfuoisdfuopsdjfkdsufo[sdjfoksdfuopdsjf'kdufopidsjfsdfdsoijfsodfu[sdijfoiasdjf[pdsajfpodasuf[osdajf[oisdajfksdajf'dsaojfdsopugfkpdjgfdks'jgpsfdjgfd kgj fd'pgj'dsfpkj g'fkdjg 'dpfsjg'dsfpgj dsfkjgfd gpofdsjg'ksdfjg fdsPart 1: Research
What is a De-Scaler?
A de-scaler is “Something intended for use removing limescale from something such as a tap, kettle or coffee machine” [11] there are many types of de-scalers, however the main types of de-scalers are:
§ Ethanoic acid (Vinegar or Acetic acid)
§ Citric acid
§ Sulfamic acid
Advantages and Disadvantages of commonly used De-Scalers
Ethanoic acid (vinegar or acetic acid)
Ethanoic acid is an organic compound, a product from oil [4] a mixture of Ethanol (C2H5OH) and Oxygen (O2). It is used to make beer or wine taste sour. More commonly, it is used in vinegar (food flavouring) [1]
Ethanol reacts with oxygen to form ethanoic acid and water, this reaction is called oxidation.
Word Equation: Ethanol + Oxygen à Ethanoic acid + Water
Symbol Equation: C2H5OH (ag) + O2 (g) à CH3CO2H (ag) + H2O (I)
Bacterial growth is inhibited by the acid meaning the food will keep safe from contamination. The acid could be used medically for example for treating jellyfish stings. Acetic acid is used as a solvent, a reagent, a catalyst, and a pesticide [2] Ethanoic acid has a very low toxicity; Corrosive action and