Name of group:
Name of members: Leong, Suzie and Noraini
Vision: Social and cultural issues with plastic: Half the students and teachers in the school would have reduced their use of plastic bags in school by 50% (within 2 months)
|Action |Person(s) responsible |Resources needed |Resources provided by |Strategy |Anticipated results |
| |(who will do it) | | | | |
| |Group members |Computer peripherals, word |Project member | |High probability of success as |
|1. To obtain official permission to conduct| |processor a recycled paper | |To prepare a letter to be sent to the MOE for |permissions were usually granted |
|project in school | | | |permission to conduct project in school outline | |
| | | | |course name. Letter will be sent by the assistant| |
| | | | |registrar SHIBIE to MOE | |
| | | | | |