Reserve members are stationed near their home and are only subject to international station in the event they are called for active duty. The Air Force Reserve requires reservist to work one weekend out of the month. Reserve Air Force members must also work for two weeks every year. If a natural disaster does occur, the time that a reservist has to work may be extended. By law, civilian jobs must be kept while a reservist is on military duty. Active duty members in the Air Force are required to commit a 4 year or 6 year term. All active duty members are stationed within the United States or overseas. They are often given basic …show more content…
The role you play within the military will enable you to launch and continue a successful career once your days of serving are over (Volkin). Active duty members are forced to refrain from starting their career for at least two years. The benefits of choosing to enlist as an active duty member include being immersed in your chosen occupational specialty and gaining the insight and experience that comes with full-time work in your chosen field (Volkin). Air Force reserve members receive important and beneficial training for their chosen occupation, but will have to shift their training immediately into a civilian career pursuit without the benefit of on the job