At this point we will sit this mixture a side for the time being. Grab our other large bowl and slowly measure out and sift the flour, baking soda, and salt. Once we get all of our dry ingredients sifted together, we will carefully and slowly add it to our sugar and butter mixture. Blend until we once again get a nice fluffy texture. Once it’s completely blended we start to add our white chocolate chips and cranberries, at this point the mixture does get a little stiffer so it might take a little more effort to mix, you can use your hands if you want. Yummy, we have made it through the hard part now we will get out our cookie sheets, place a rounded tablespoon of cookie dough an inch apart on the pans and bake at 350 for about 8-10 minutes. There could be delays in the process depending on the client’s disabilities and how he or she comprehends the task at hand. Being able to sequence our actions is an important part of our everyday activities and being able to follow the correct sequencing shows that we can organize our thoughts in order to achieve our task at hand. Being able to use the correct sequence for baking cookies is vital to the outcome, make them the wrong way they turn out not so taste make them the right way you got yummy cookies. The sequence to making cookies should be fixed but in reality it can be a flexible activity. There is a pattern in the process of …show more content…
• would be at the counter in the kitchen if not the table would work.
• With baking cookies this could be an unilateral activity, it could also be a bilateral activity as well depending how affected both sides are.
• Yes sitting or standing balance necessary.
• Unfortunately can the activity be done lying down, in order to make cookies you need to at least be in a sitting position.
• In this task for baking cookies it’s really a combination of both gross motor and fine motor activity. The reason I say this is because you need to ability to use the dexterity of your fingers and hands as well as your arms and upper extremities.
• For making cookies you would be using most of your upper extremities.
• The clients hand or (hands) and arms would repeat the same movement several times.
• I can’s for see any type of resistance to movements during the activity, unless the client has had a stroke or maybe even a little edema.
• The client would need to be able to use their fine motor skills by being able to measure out the ingredients and place them into the bowl.