release and extended release. Both forms can be used to treat ADHD, but only the instant release form can be used to treat narcolepsy. Adderall can also be prescribed to treat obesity, sever depression, and sleep disorders. Adderall is not prescribed to young children because it can affect their growth. There is a high risk when prescribing Adderall because it is often abused. That is why supplies are limited in places where the drug is legal. Some street names for drugs that contain amphetamines, like Adderall, are bennie, amped, benz, blue mollies, speed, uppers, get ups, footballs, oranges, and lightning. There are many short-term and long-term effects of using the drug Adderall illegally. When taking Adderall it counteracts ADHAD and narcolepsy. It does this by releasing adrenaline, which increases the users heart rate and their flow of blood to their muscles. This causes a feeling of invigoration and many users felt as if they were more focused and concentrated. That led to students and athletes using Adderall to help themselves focus for longer periods of time. Another short-term effect is having a feeling of euphoria, or a state of intense excitement and happiness. That also contributed to Adderall becoming a popular recreational drug. After the initial feelings of focus and euphoria have worn off, users feel tired and depressed. Even though the last feeling makes users want to stop taking the drug, it takes time because they are already addicted. Some long-term effects of the drug Adderall can be very serious. Taking this drug for long periods of time can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems and strokes. Also, patients that used Adderall illegally for a long time have had serious mental health issues. Some of these mental problems can be depression, hostility, and paranoia. Users have also had low blood pressure, headaches, dry mouths, loss of appetite, extreme weight loss, rapid mood swings, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and insomnia. There are many different side effects of Adderall that vary widely depending on the user.
The user has a risk of getting any of the long-term effects of using Adderall such as disrupted heart rhythm and increased blood pressure. If people who use Adderall as a recreational drug mix it with alcohol, they have a more serious risk of severe complications. Adderall counteracts the signs of excessive alcohol consumption, this makes it very easy to get alcohol poisoning without any warnings or signs. Alcohol and Adderall both have dehydrating properties and alcohol is a depressant. This can aggravate the psychological issues that have to do with the withdrawal from Adderall. Also, Adderall can cause people who smoke crave cigarette’s, which increases their chance of a smoking-related …show more content…
illness. Adderall is a very serious and scary drug that is becoming very popular for college students who it is not prescribed to.
The numbers of students using Adderall increases with upperclassmen that are full-time students at elite colleges who use the drug for recreational use. Students and athletes believe that using the drug to study or enhance their performance is a good idea not bad. Adderall abuse has become so popular that in the MTV television series, Teen Wolf, they talk about Adderall helping the character study. When taking Adderall students get a sense of motivation and concentration that helps them study, take a test, or do homework. This affect is the same for athletes who want to play better.. It is a temptation for busy students who do not have much free time to find a friend or someone who has been diagnosed with ADHD or another illness, and buy their Adderall. Although many students believe that Adderall makes you smarter, the results showed in this
At the University of Pennsylvania, the research team tested forty-seven subjects that were all about the age of twenty. None of the students were diagnose with ADHD. They took different cognitive tests such as memory and intelligence. Half the students took Adderall, and the other half took a placebo. A placebo is a harmless pill that has no real effect and is used to test other drugs. The students did not know which pill they were receiving. When they were finished with their test, the researchers asked the students who thought they did well on that test. Most of the students who took the Adderall raised their hands, but the results showed that they did equally as well as the students who took the placebo. Adderall does not make someone smarter, it just eliminates distractions, which allows the user to stay focused on what he or she is doing
The drug Adderall, used to treat people with ADHD or narcolepsy, is often abused and can be very dangerous when taken. The pill has many short-term and long-term affects that can dramatically increase the risk of dying. Today, thousands of students and athletes across America are taking to pill to do better in school. They feel pressured to do well in school and on the court, and Adderall can be very tempting. This dangerous drug affects many young lives. The abuse of Adderall is a serious issue that the world needs to solve.