Was There Adequate Supervision?
The first thing you need to determine is if there was adequate supervision on the playground. Ask the school principle or your child’s teacher how many children were on the playground and how many teachers were present to supervise.
The ratio for adequate supervision depends on the age of your child, but a general rule of thumb is that a teacher or …show more content…
Was The Playground Equipment Defective?
Next, you need to look into the playground equipment that your child was injured on. Don’t rely on someone else’s word; go out to the playground and take detailed pictures of the playground equipment from all angles. While you are taking the pictures, check for obvious signs of defective equipment, such as lose parts or pieces of equipment that are sticking out and could injury a child.
If you are unsure what to look for, you may want to take your pictures to a personal injury attorney who specializes in cases involving defective playground equipment. They can give you a second opinion about the equipment or they can recommend a playground expert who can look at the equipment as well as your pictures.
If you, your attorney, or a playground expert determines that the equipment was defective, you have two different legal options available. If the defect was due to improper maintenance on the part of the school, you can sue the school for your child’s injuries through a personal injury lawsuit. However, if it is determined that the defect was due to the manufacturer, you can pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the company that made the playground