September 26, 2011
Professor XXXXX
Adjusting to Terrorism
On September 11, 2001, all across the United States million of people were waking up; taking children to school, and going to work. This was not a normal day for people all across the United States. There were millions of people around the world watching the terrorist attack; and not believing this was happening. The first attack, a plane hits the north tower of the World trade center in Manhattan New York; followed by another plane into the second tower about 20 minutes later. Both towers collapse. About an hour later, a plane crash into the pentagon part of which later collapse. The last plane crashes near Somerset Pennsylvania which there were no survivors. All four planes that crashed had been hijacked (CNN News, 2001). The destruction of September 11, 2001 was so massive that the official death toll was 2752 lives lost (McCool, 2003).
Since September 11, 2001, the United States has taken many precautions as necessary. Implementing new acts through Congress adopted the Patriot Act and went to war. There are several things within the criminal justice agency that can be changed; in an effort to combat terrorism more effectively. The criminal justice agency could keep track of thousands of foreign nationals that enter this country on a yearly basis. The United States does not know who is actually in our country or their reasons; because no tracking has been done. For example, the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) could not trace the location of a foreigner visiting the United States on a visa; unless the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) could persuade the court surveillance is warranted and suspected terrorists could be issued visas as a result of poor cooperation with the State department (National Journal, 2003). The results of the problems mentioned in information sharing between; federal, state, and local agencies was evident in the
References: Unknown, (2001), CNN news, Terror attack hit United States, Retrieved September 22, 2011, from, http://www.archives.cnn.com/2001/us/09/11/worldtrade.crash/story.html McCool, (2003), the courier mail, Retrieved September 22, 2011, from, http://www.ourcivilisation.com/usa/toll.htm#31102003 National journal, (2001), Proposals to combat terrorism would change American’s way, Retrieved September 22, 2011, from, http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0901.htm