Before even 9/11 started, a guy named al-Shehhi was already furious against the American government because of the attacks that was done to them. Al-Shehhi …show more content…
This is where their weapons and armors rapidly improved, although those improvements were done, the percentage of the Muslims volunteer called the “Afghan-Arabs”, they still chose to travel and be part of the opposition. Even though they had the weapons that were more updated than the other country the other Muslims thought that it wouldn’t be enough to fight the Soviet.
On the year of 1988, the Pakistan and Afghanistan were settled to leave its troops, because this is where the Soviet Union figured out that fighting them wouldn’t give them any benefits so they let it go.
The Great Warrior On March 10, 1957, the “Great Warrior” was born. His whole was Osama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden but also known as Usama bin Ladin. Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He was the son of a billionaire Muhammad Awad bin Laden. However his dad died “in a helicopter accident when Osama was 11 years old” (Profile: Osama bin