For me admiring someone is the act of looking at someone with approval, respect, and even love. As we grow older, we find someone we look up to and admire. The person I admire the most is neither world famous nor a multimillionaire. I save my admiration for a special woman, my mother. Who as I grew older has taught me many things in life, those in which have helped me in many situations till this day. My mother has showed me more than I could see in the world. She’s the reason why I keep going despite all the challenges. Because of her I am who I am today. I can certainly sit here and write you a whole book about the many qualities I admire about her. Above all my mother holds the qualities necessary for her to be someone I admire. Her strength has taught me how to overcome the obstacles I face day by day. Her motivation has inspired me to complete tasks I thought I couldn’t accomplish. Lastly I admire the way my mother cares selflessly for others and the ability to make someone smile despite any personal difficulties.
An important quality I admire about my mother is her strength. I grew up with a single mother that was both a mother and a father to me. I never really focused on not having a dad around; it wasn’t as important as having our mom, who was always there for us. No matter how hard it was for her at times she always found strength. Strength, to be able to help her daughters whenever they needed something. Strength, to work and provide us with a good home. The greatest strength I have l admire about my mother is the power to keep fighting when everyone expects you to give up. Her strength has molded me and made me into who I am today. I’m someone that’s looking to better her life with hard work and perseverance.
My mother has been my greatest motivator. As her oldest daughter she has always wanted nothing but the best for me. In my house it is impossible to even think about giving up. Whenever we are about to, my mother