23rd February 2013
BM Module
Experiential marketing literature review.
Adolfo Dominguez case study.
Introduction 2
1. Literature review 3
2. Adolfo Dominguez case 5
2.1. Location 5
2.2. Store atmosphere and environment 6
2.3. Web-site 8
2.4. Limitations of the study and areas for the further research 8
Conclusion 9
The global economic and technological development as well as consolidation of capitalism, which resulted into the shift to the era of post-materialism, provoked an emergence of new theory named ‘experiential marketing’ that empathises individuals feelings, emotions and values (Zarantonello et al., 2013). This essay first will study the existing investigations in this topic that will be followed by the suggested model map of experiential marketing factors and links. In the second part, the case study of Adolfo Dominguez, retail company will be analysed along with propositions for further improvement. The essay aims to introduce possible framework of experiential marketing that can be applied for Adolfo Dominguez Company with focus on location advises, in-store atmosphere and web-site improvements.
1. Literature review
Holbrook and Hirschman (1982a, 1982b) who were one of the first investigators of the experiential consumption identified it as a “phenomenological in spirit and regards consumption as a primarily subjective state of consciousness with a variety of symbolic meanings, hedonic responses, and aesthetic criteria”. They emphasised the importance of customer’s emotions, which provoked further intensive discussion and investigations.
Yuan and Wu (2008) extended that view arguing that experiential marketing could be achieved through sense, feel and think perceptions as well as service quality and in turn employed in retail, brand construction and marketing of the events. Authors also assert that implication of such strategies can lead to the growth of customer satisfaction that can be considered
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