Death is especially terrifying. I myself as an animal lover, cherish and love my animals every single day. I could not imagine my life without my goats or any of the animals I own now. I have the fear I will be walking to the barn to find that some my animals have passed. Not only am I afraid of death of my beloved animals. Death of family
members as well, because they are especially dear to me. This leads us to the death I fear the most. I fear my own death. Religion stirs to this topic, I often wonder if there is a heaven or hell. Or if my existence is gone forever, leaving those who love me in sadness. Sadness is also another fear of mine due to angry individuals.
Angry individuals tend to be scary due to their voice level and actions. One can physically hurt me, and raising his or hers voice frightens me. One never knows what someone who is extremely livid would do. It all depends on how frustrated and aggravated the individual is. Those who tend to yell directly at me makes me upset. I do not like it when other individuals are angry and upset for what I have done to make them extremely angry. It often makes me feel like a failure. Failures in life are also another fear I obtain.
Although someone who is angry at me does not necessarily mean I am a failure, but it does have an effect. Whenever a teacher or a coach yells at me with a loud tone of voice, it is frightening. It makes me feel like I have failed to do the task I was given. Failure is my fear because I wish to exceed in life. And if failures often take place, success is not an option.
All in all, death, angry individuals, and failures are my fears in life. Death of loved ones, including animals are terrifying. Deaths occur at any given moment. Even thinking of your own death is frightening. Not knowing if your existence will go on after you pass or if it will be buried with you is extremely questioning and frightening. Throughout life people will yell and be frustrated with you. My fear is angry individuals raising their voice which is frightening. It makes an individual scared and unsafe. And after it can cause you to feel like you are a failure. Failures throughout life is also frightening. Failing too much can lead to bad things. Not succeeding in life is terrifying because one needs success to get through life struggles.