Title: What are the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming to the Pacific Community?
C: Organic Farming
L: Pacific Community/Benefits
D: What
Context: Agriculture/Environment
Subject: Organic Farming
Limited Subject: Pacific Community/Benefits
Issue: What are the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming to the Pacific Community?
Thesis Statement: This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of organic farming to the Pacific Community in terms of growers benefit, consumers benefit and environmental benefits.
Main Idea 1- Disadvantages
a) Time Consuming
Example: It is basically labour intensive thus it takes more time than capital intensive. : It takes more time for green manure and compost to decay which delays the harvesting
b) Labour skills and labour cost
Example: : Labours lack enough skills in the field of organic farming : Farmers do not follow proper techniques to cultivate and maintain the farm. : High wage rate for the labours thus increases labour cost.
c) Not well developed and wide spread
Example: Some of the method are not well developed and are not executed properly to get the desired result therefore production is less compared to modern methods of farming.
Main Idea 2- Advantages
a) Lower Input Cost that is economic benefits
Example: - Farmers are not required to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers. - No need to purchase expensive capital equipment as it is based on labour intensive
b) Climate Friendly
Example: Produces a less green house emission that is environmentally friendly. : Pesticides and Herbicides chemicals are not used
c) Poison Free and Nutritious
Example: It is not contaminated with the variety of chemicals : Organically grown food is dramatically superior in mineral content than modern conventional methods
Restatement of thesis: To
Bibliography: Byron, A. (2003). American Chemical Society. Agriculture and Food Chemistry . Lipson, E. (2001). The Organic Foods Sourcebook. Chicago: Contemporary Books. Paul, D. J. (2011). SPRING FOR ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. Organic Sysytem , 2-4. Worthington, V. (2001). Nutritional quality of organic versus conventional fruits, vegetables, and. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine , 161-170.