Professor Jenkins
Research Paper
Labeling Organic Products.
If somebody hands you a bottle of arsenic would you drink it or eat it? Would you give it to your kids and family? The correct answer would be no, but if for some very strange reason you answer is yes I suggest you go get help as soon as possible. As most of us know arsenic is poison which means it is bad. Did you know non-organic foods contain arsenic? Arsenic is used by farmers as pesticide and fertilizer; now we all know that if someone ever consumes poison you are very likely to die or have very bad effects from consuming it. Obviously farmers know this and they know that is bad for humans, animals and even our environment so why do they do it? Truth is some of them do not have any other choice, because most of them are working for bigger and larger food corporation who just give the farmers the orders. Some of the major food corporations prefer to grow non organic product for a variety of reasons a few of them being cheap prices and more in less time. Truth is they don’t care about the consumers’ health they just care about making money. So how can we fix this how can we alert the consumers about what their foods contain? How much can our body take before it is too late and we realize we have been slowly but surely killing our selfs through what we eat.
When we think of a farmers market most of us tend to think about a place where we go to buy fruits and vegetables that are organic and that have been locally grown. “ farmers’ market as a ‘predominantly fresh food market that operates regularly within a community, at a focal public location that provides a suitable environment for farmers and food producers to sell farm-origin and associated value-added processed food products directly to customers” . Little do we know that not all the fruits and vegetables that we find in the farmers market are fresh and organic. As a matter of fact some of the things we buy from the farmers
Cited: Barker, Katherine, Alan Reinstein, Melissa Rodriguez, and Stephanie Tarr. "Adding assurance to the term "organic"." Review of Business 31.2 (2011): 99. Web. 16 June 2014. Diekmann, Florian. "Organic Farming: A Research Guide." Reference & User Services Quarterly 52.3 (2013): 197. Web. 15 June 2014. Fielke, Simon J., and Douglas K. Bardsley. "South Australian Farmers’ Markets: Tools for Enhancing the Multifunctionality of Australia Agriculture." GeoJournal 78.5 (2012): 759-776. Web. 14 June 2014. Klonsky, Karen, and Laura Tourte. "Organic Agricultural Production in the United States: Debates and Directions." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 80.5 (1998): 1119-1124. Web. 17 June 2014. Simon, Mark, Cynthia Miree, and Matilda Dule. "La Vida Local: Planting the Seeds for Growing an Organic Food Delivery Business." Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice37.3 (2013): 641. Web. 17 June 2014.