When the coach had came by I told him that I broke my knee. Then he said it wasn’t broke because I was able to move it. Then I left practice and went to the hospital The X-ray showed that I had fractured my knee. My mother was in shock but not about me she cared about the bill. Then she told me what she said a month ago about not playing baseball. But she was right, I should have listened to her. If I did maybe I wouldn’t have been in that predicament. Now today I’m left with a huge scar on my knee, two screws, and a limp walk. I mostly regret it because after the accident we went on the Disney cruise and I had to be in a wheel chair the whole time.
When the coach had came by I told him that I broke my knee. Then he said it wasn’t broke because I was able to move it. Then I left practice and went to the hospital The X-ray showed that I had fractured my knee. My mother was in shock but not about me she cared about the bill. Then she told me what she said a month ago about not playing baseball. But she was right, I should have listened to her. If I did maybe I wouldn’t have been in that predicament. Now today I’m left with a huge scar on my knee, two screws, and a limp walk. I mostly regret it because after the accident we went on the Disney cruise and I had to be in a wheel chair the whole time.