KINSHASA ABROAD – African Cuisine and Culture
1. Consumer groups (possible target markets) should be studied using exploratory research?
Since the Kinshasa Abroad (KA) is mentioned located proximity to Ohio State University (OSU), so I assume its location is within the area of Zip Code 43210, same with OSU.
To figure out the possible target markets, firstly I made a study about the environments of KA’s located area and its neighborhoods around.
According to the 2010 CENSUS, the area with zip code 43210 has 9.728 residents and mostly is White race, Asian race takes the 2nd place while Black race take the 3rd with only 1.014 residents (10.42%). Since the OSU takes most of the area so the median household income here is quite low, around 17.595$ comparing to the average of Ohio 46.563 (2010).
Considering 43210 area as the center, head to the West there are 3 areas of Zip Code 43212, 43220 and 43221 sitting next to it. These 3 areas have several common characters such as big number of population, mostly White race and iota number of Black race, high and very high median household income. The 43212 area has $17.835 residents and Black race takes 2.15% around 383 residents with income around $59.879. The area 43220 has 24.114 residents; Black race takes 1.99% around 480 residents with high income around $71.399. The 43221 area has 29.609 residents and Black race take 1.04% around 308 residents with very high income around $100.889.
The 43201 are sits at the North of 43210 area and it has almost same character to the West, with 20.052 residents, Black race takes 4.22% around 846 residents with median household income around $40.474 almost equal to Ohio average income.
The area 43201 sits at the South East of 43210 are with 33.089 residents and the Black race takes 20.86% around 6.902 residents with a low median household income around $27.183. The neighbor areas within 7 miles distance to 43210 area located at the South East have several common characters