Right now, we currently have 626 kids playing various sports within our organization. This is just a small percentage of the kids that attend the schools in our community. Having an after school program would give us an opportunity reach parents that wouldn’t normally be looking for a youth sports organization for their kids. This program could feed into our sports programs. Also, the exposure our organization would get for running a program like this would benefit us in numerous ways. The YMCA provides after school programs in various locations throughout our county. They provide a great activity with a great facility. The problem with the YMCA is that they bus kids from schools to their location, but they do not bus from schools in our district. So, our parents do not have any valid option for an after-school program. We will be able to offer this to them. We have the facilities to accommodate every K thru 12 students in our district.
There is no doubt that a program like this can benefit both our children in this community and our organization. I truly believe that our organization can handle this, and provide these kids something that is truly valuable. The logistics of this sort of undertaking would be extensive. There are a lot of unanswered questions to how we can start this program. But I want you to consider what this would mean to our community and to our organization. I urge you to push this forward to our planning committee and get the ball rolling. Thank you for your time and