better than just taking a right from us the people. If you believe that guns should just be banned from the people there would be arguments about all shootings in the schools are in bad neighborhoods i believe it’s not the gun that's doing the killing it’s the person behind the gun if we had laws past to make new regulations on gun like you have to take certain types of test to see if you can have a gun what's the use for the gun and the purpose on why you need it. people would say we already have laws like that with hunting license and the right to bare arms with a permit, but i feel like the owners of the guns don't need a ak-47 to kill a deer mealtary people use these guns for war so why do you need a killing machine for a deer
in the state of colorado i feel like we try to push the laws on guns for the good because we have wildlife out here so i see the main the why people want guns to stay is to make money at the end of the day even if they doing it for the right thing. this is the web site for colorado parks and wildlife
Buy Hunting Licenses
Come Hunt With Us!
Leftover limited licenses for elk are still available. Leftover limited licenses are licenses that have gone through the draw process and still have quota remaining. For more information, see the Leftover Licenses page.
Over-the-counter unlimited licenses are licenses that are unlimited in number and available in a range of units and seasons. There are unlimited over- the-counter licenses for bull elk in the 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons, either-sex elk in the plains and e ither-sex whitetail deer. These licenses are restricted to certain units and manners of take. For more information, please see the maps off the Maps page or the 2015 big gam e brochure (pages 30, 34-37 and 49). These licenses are listed in the online system without a hunt code or by asking for the specific OTC license by phone or in person. OTC whitetail deer licenses are only available at CPW offices. if you see what they say i feel like they tell what you can do and who has special abilities like where you can hunt at are what type of licenses you can get but it really doesn't talk about what type of guns you can use just what animals you can kill are what places you can hunt at. some people would argue that if we don’t have guns it’s civil disobedience because of the facts that we want to keep the right to bare arms but does that affect every citizens because examples in my life people who come back from war are being a police officer who get back in they still they want their guns in their line of work. you feel like it’s okay to have guns inside the house with kids even if you have a gun premint
2. if we don't have guns any more does that mean we don't have rights as people any more
3.should only people who are good need to have guns are anyone who has the money to buy one
this is a video on donald trump who is talking about the gun policy
It’s based on the people who believe in that we should not have the same gun laws but does that mean they're going to be better because look at the person who want to change the laws maybe our way life.
so if you believe in that we should have guns try to start going downtown and try to listen to the laws in denver about guns and who can have them and who can not have them. i believe that we should have guns. because if the government haves guns to protect us and what if the government goes into marshall law what we we have to protect are self.but what can a 45 do to a tank. i am julian mosley in this is where i stand on gun control and i hope that other people see where i'm coming from. One more thing i want people to see is the state of the union not only that it’s a big subject but it’s president obama last speech in he was talking about everything even gun control go check this out.