ENG 101
Article / Video Title
a) Active Against “Agenda 21” (Text)
b) Agenda 21: The U.N.’s Diabolical Plan Explained
Author, Year, Journal / Book / Web site / link
a) William F. Jasper Interview with Tom De Weese
b) Fox News
1. Content
The controversial issues concerning The United Nations Sustainable Development programme, Agenda 21
2. Skills Practiced
Textual and listening analysis/ critical thinking skills.
Vocabulary to check :
Comprehensive spooky scam impact nefarious unheralded perpetrators sovereignty swath(e) equity deceptive verbatim dues skyrocket tinfoil-hats behemoth scope meltdown
Tin-foil Hat: One may wear the hat in the belief that it shields the brain from electromagnetic fields, to prevent mind control and/or mind reading […] the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia and persecutory delusions [pic]
Task 1. Pre-reading activities? Research and discuss.
1. What is Agenda 21? When was it first introduced? Who is Glenn Beck and what is his reputation?
Agenda 21 was an idea that supported sustainable development. It was introduced in the year 1992 at Rio De Janerio at the ‘EARTH SUMMIT’. Glenn Beck is a political American tv show and political radio commentator. He is also an author, a television network producer and a media personallity with some skills in entrepreneuship .___________________
Task 2. Video: Listen to Glenn’s presentation on Agenda 21.
2.1. Why does he describe the scope of Agenda 21 as “kind of broad”?
Agenda 21 is very broad it is not that it is what the government tells us it is way deep inside it .
2.2. How does Beck link sustainable development to a “socialist” or “globalist” agenda?
He gives examples of famous and powerful politicians
2.3. Both Glenn Beck and De Weese refer to ICLEI. What is it?
Both of them are against ICLEI . it is