I believe the truth is there is no convincing evidence to my knowledge that has been established to show this theory. I understand that scientist have made wonderful discoveries over time, however, realistic evidence of proving life existence other than on Earth has not been one of those sightings. Of course there are many individuals that claim that they have seen an “alien spacecraft” or witnessed a “space invasion” and have claimed to have been supposedly abducted by “aliens”. Although what they could have seen could have looked very much like something from another planet because they have no evidence to show what they saw then why should anyone believe it? What people actually see when they claim to see “aliens” could be something that looks like aliens or has the same quality as a space shape, for example seeing a bright lamppost in the distance flicking could also give the impression that aliens are landing.
Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions on whether life does exist outside of earth but I haven’t observed anything that can lead me to believe that there is some form of life existence out there other than here on Earth. Some people struggle to believe in aliens because of their belief in the bible, as it does not mention any aliens in the bible and it doesn’t give any indication there will ever be any aliens.
The bible also states how God created the world in 7 days and it does mention other planets in the universe but there is no mention of any other life existence including on different planets.
Field crop circles have been going on for hundreds of decades and it has had people baffled about the bizarre phenomenon. Most of the population was convinced that aliens using their space craft must have created the crop circles. People were astonished about the thought of humans being able to perform such a massive masterpiece. First, I want to ask why “aliens” would travel thousands of light years to