English 12A/3
Mrs. Garcia
April 16, 2014
Personal Statement
There are many goals I have set for my future. I know negativity will be in every corner of my path. I have also learned to not let that negativity effect me. I’ve made mistakes and learned my lesson. To me mistakes are something to be thankful for, because everything that life gives you, is either a blessing or lesson learned. Growing up I could consider myself “lucky” not by wealth but by the people who have always supported me. Family, to me plays one of the most important roles in my life; I know that no matter what I have a family to fall back on. Many things in this world are promised but never granted but with ambition there is nothing to hold you back besides yourself.
My parents have helped me with almost everything I have completed in life. They’ve always said “I want you to have everything we didn’t”. With that being said it gives me strength to push myself to make them and myself happy. Although both of my parents did graduate high school, neither one went to college, my mom had to work to help out her parents be financially stable because they were illegal. My dad too began to work right out of high school and wanted to join the navy but, due to second and third degree burns he was not capable of joining. I personally am very proud of my parents because neither one of them was wealthy growing up. What they have become today is amazing, and shows that anything is possible. And thanks to them I have two amazing twin sisters Monique and Angelique.
To me education is something valuable. Without it there aren’t as many opportunities as there would be with it. I’ve never been the straight A student every parent dreams of, but it’s never too late. I grew up in East Los Angeles, I attended school there for about 3 years pre-k to first grade. Then my grandma move out, to live with her daughter in Rosemead, so I left my school Hammel to go to a new school in Rosemead. While going to school there, budget cuts where unbelievable I went to three different schools there including a junior high. While I was still going to school in Rosemead I also still lived in East Los Angeles. When my parents decided they wanted to move, we bought a house in Baldwin Park. Once again I began a new school Jones Junior High. It felt different, and I didn’t know what to expect. Although I am of a Hispanic descent, I went to school with an Asian community. Coming in to new school with a community of Latinos it was nerve wrecking. I slowly started hanging out with people who weren’t so much like me. I change my personality, my dress code, the way I spoke everything was different. I started getting into trouble, which later moved on to fighting. My freshman year of high school was foolish I didn’t care about anything, I put myself in positions I never thought I would ever be in. To me fighting was the answer to everything which held me back from school because of my suspensions I was hardly at school, and when I was at school I was not doing what I was supposed to. I can’t say I regret everything I did because I did learn a lot from my experiences. This led me to where I am today, North Park a school who finally believes in me.
My future is something I really look forward to. Although I’ve fallen back , North Park has shown me the way back up. Currently I am a junior ahead of credits in a senior class. My strengths are English, History and Art. My weaknesses are in Math and Science but that doesn’t stop me from getting a passing grade. I have decided that I’d like to attend at Pasadena City College and complete my general education then transfer to California State University, Los Angeles and major in business. Also id like to be a major in Cosmetology, I have this dream of becoming a professional makeup artist, having my own makeup brand and enhancing everyone’s beauty. To make anyone and everyone feel confident in their own skin, size and color is my main goal. To have an impact on the everyday person, this will soon be a reality. I plan to work and move out to become an independent individual.
Completing my goals is what’s left. To succeed is the only way. I have my family to hold me down and push me to complete my success. Every obstacle that I’ve gone over has made me who I am today. I may have a great support team but at the end of the day the only who can make a change is me.