When not having to worry about school that much the students will have more of an empty mind when returning to school. The students would be able to just jump back into school and not have to worry if they had homework over the time they have off.
School dropping out rates for all year round schooling has a 2% rate of dropout whereas a 25% dropout rate for regular school(Public). Schools should all want to change to all year round schooling if there dropout rate is going to change so the kids that they are teaching will see there student go somewhere in life and have a future in front of them.
Some people think that all year round schooling shouldn't be allowed. They think that it may be too much for them to handle and it will cause more stress on them whereas on a regular school schedule you go for 5 days and get 2 off not including any type of holiday break. Some families think that the summer is good for the children to have off to go to summer camps or get jobs to learn life