After the tragedies that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School, guns have no place in our nation’s schools. allowing college professors to possess guns on campus will only lead to more gun deaths and injuries, not less. Federal and state laws that prohibit guns at schools and pose harsh penalties for gun possession, in contrast, help keep our children and educators safe. College and Universities are generally safe havens from gun violence.
Allowing guns …show more content…
In addition, even trained police officers only hit their targets 20% of the time, according to the Brady Campaign.
Allowing Guns on Campus is an Extreme and Ineffective Measure, If professors and instructors are allows to carry concealed guns, this creates a scenario of uncertainty should a mass shooting arise. When the police arrive on the scene, it will be difficult for them to discern who is the perpetrator, which could lead to more injuries and deaths. In addition, opponents argue that allowing guns on campus do not address the fundamental issues of mass campus shootings. Rather than equipping more people with guns, it is important that schools identify troubled students and actively counsel or manage the issues – before they turn into mass shooters. According to E. Floyd Phelps, the chairman of the Fire and Life Safety Council for ASIS International in a FacilitiesNet article, “You need to look at people and try to help