
Alternate Ending To Frankenstein

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As I sat in the my prison-chamber, tears were running down my face. Feeling the insistent pounding in my skull , I rested my head on my knees to take away the pain.
Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the cell. I quickly jumped up expecting the fearful guards to approach the thick bars again. Instead only one man came holding the Holy Bible in his hands. His suit was well pressed and his scarce hair perfectly combed. Recognition flashed in my mind once I saw his face in the dim light of the dungeon. It was Pastor Taylor from the Protestant Church.
“Hello, my dear. I've seen you have gotten yourself in quite a mess.” His smooth voice frightened me to no end. I had always been afraid of him even as a child. When my mother and I used
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My mother having been a very religious person before her death, I wanted to follow in her huge footsteps. As a servant in the Frankenstein household, I was permitted time off my duties. Sometimes instead of leaving altogether, I took the youngest member of the family with me.
Oh William! My poor William! I miss him so much. Just thinking about the child I took care of and loved like my own son after Miss.Caroline died still leaves me in denial. It leaves me not only in grief for the boy but a feeling of absolute failure that I wasn’t with
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I need a blessing to get me out of this situation.” After I spoke these words his blank face turned into shock and then rage.
“ Yes I will pray for you. But why would I ever pray for a child murderer to escape their fate instead of paying for their sins? I will pray that whatever your fate maybe it will not be drawn out but quick.”
I could not believe the words he was saying. He believed me to be a murderer. I surely was not. I never would harm anyone especially a child.
“I am not a murderer, Pastor. I am a woman of God. I would never hurt anyone let alone William, the boy I thought of as my son.” I told him.
“ I am afraid I don’t believe you, my dear. It would be wise for you to confess your sins to me instead of holding them inside any longer. If you do not, I cannot allow you to be a member of the church. I would hate for you to be denied your entry into heaven and sent into the depths of hell.” He retorted.
I shook my head in denial while his intense stare become even more brutal. He was threatening to not allow me to be a member of the church, but also to not be able to go to heaven if I do not confess for a crime I did not commit. If I confess, I’m sure it will be better than going to

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