An ambition is an eager, and sometimes an excessive, desire for creation, honor, ascendancy, power, or the attainment of something. Every person is said to have his or her anomalous ambition. One might have dream to be rich, or having a villa. On the other side, one wants to become famous, a scientist or a doctor. Similarly, I have too my own ambition. I don’t want to become wealthy; I don’t want to get any fame. My aim of life is very simple and it is to serve poor people who are not getting enough to survive in this world with all of my heart. It’s said to be that person can be judged from what he wants to get in his life; and how he gets it; obviously it’s his ambition of life. There is one colloquia saying about ambition in life is that a person without any ambition in life is like a ship without a rudder who has no destination. I am really supporting this quote.
We are never likely told to cross a bridge until and unless we come to a bridge, but this is the world in which ambition help us cross that bridge faster than other people. Some people think ambition and dreams is equal. But there is a thin wall between ambition and dreams. Ambition generally defined as somebody having a desire, a much stronger feeling than a dream. A dream is something that we can normally get without trying too much toward to achieve it. Ambition is the forces that keep us working and makes us go forward in our life. It’s the super energy which energized me when I was facing a problem in the path of my goal. There is only one way to achieve any aim: simply moving forward with continuous improvement and passionate hard working and, obviously, with honesty and dedication to achieve it. Having ambition is just not enough. One must have to do continuous effort to achieve it. Maybe there is some obstacle, but it can be overcome only by self-esteem and a strong desire to achieve that ambition. If someone is only day dreaming and only planning