Camari has good gross motor skills. He runs, jumps, climbs and walks with no problem. A concern Charlotte has is that he is unaware of hurting himself when he climbs to high and he sometimes will run into things.
His fine motor skills seem to be developing fine. It was observed at home that he can pick up small items (coins) and attempts to hold a pen with a tripod grasp.
Communication: Camari babbles up to three words/sounds- “mama”, “dada” and “bye- bye” when prompted. Camari grabs an adult he trusts who is available by the hand, usually his mom or older sister Japera, and brings them to the area where preferred items are kept. They give him choices between two or more items and he grabs the one he wants. If he does not want any of the items, he sometimes engages in tantrum behavior. …show more content…
He will sit on the toilet when supervised, but does not sit for long (1-3 seconds). If left on any longer, he engages in tantrum behavior. He needs full physical prompts to dress himself and brush his teeth. He shows interest in using utensils (fork, spoon), but will usually use his fingers to eat bite size foods. Additionally, Camari is a picky eater and his diet consists of cheerios, chips, zingers, bacon, french fries and chicken