1. Who are the main players (name and position)?
Amy Scherber - owner and founder of Amy’s Bread
Toy Kim Dupree – manager of Amy’s Bread who is very involved in day to day operations and decision making and is also very trusted by Amy.
2. In what business or businesses and industry or industries is the company operating?
Amy’s Bread is a specialty bread and pasty store. They specialize in handmade baked goods and are a wholesale supplier to many of New York’s prominent restaurants, hotels, and gourmet food shops.
3. What are the issues and problems facing the company? (Sort them by importance and urgency.)
a. There is not enough space in the current location to meet the business demands.
b. The limited space in the current location is threatening bread quality, which Amy perceives as “unthinkable”.
c. Wholesale customers are on the brink of turning away, which would hurt revenue and reputation.
d. Amy wants to become more involved in the retail aspect of her business due to the increased profit margins, but the current location is not ideal for retail sales.
e. Highly competitive industry. 4. What is the primary problem for the company/organization in this case?
The most critical problem is that the current location has reached its maximum capacity. Wholesale customers are being put on the waiting list and any further product expansion is impossible without sacrificing quality. There is an immediate need to expand her business, whether it is finding a larger space altogether or designating one location for wholesale and another for retail. If Amy does not expand her business, she will not be able to meet the needs to her current customers and risks attaining new customers.
5. Why have the problem(s) you cite emerged? Identify the causal chain (the events or circumstances that caused the problem-Some will be Internal Weaknesses, others External Threats).
The overall cause of the problem would have to be the