Gun control is a very controversial topic that has been discussed for years. Proponents of more gun control often want more laws to try to prevent mass shootings, and call for smart gun laws, background checks, and more protections against the mentally ill buying guns. On the other hand, opponents of more gun laws accuse proponents of using a tragedy to further a lost cause, stating that more laws would not have prevented the shootings. Gun control, or the regulation …show more content…
Gun controls laws infringe upon the right to self-defense, and deny people a sense of safety. According to the National Rifle Association, also known as NRA, guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times per year. 61% of men and 56% of women surveyed by Pew Research said that stricter gun laws would "make it more difficult for people to protect their homes and …show more content…
John R. Lott, Jr., PhD, gun rights activist, stated, "The problem with such [gun control] laws is that they take away guns from law-abiding citizens, while would-be criminals ignore them." Basically Lott is saying is that if a criminal wants a gun then he/she will find a way to obtain a gun whether it is legal or illegal.
Gun control laws give too much power to the government, and may result in government tyranny and the government taking away all guns from citizens. The Executive Vice President of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre stated, "If you look at why our Founding Fathers put it [the Second Amendment] there, they had lived under the tyranny of King George and they wanted to make sure that these free people in this new country would never be subjugated again and have to live under