How to raise a kid might come across as a heavy question? Is it really so tough?
When it comes to raising a child most adults look for the happiness of the child. More than two-thirds of adults state that they are “extremely concerned” about the well-being of child more than anything else. This holds true across genders, ethnicity, or any other affiliations.
How many times has it happened to you that you have to give the same set of instruction at least 5 times, before your kid finally pays attention? It can get extremely nerve-wracking! Soon you might resort to yelling at them but that is definitely now the right way around.
We do understand that with your busy schedule and 100's of work pending, all …show more content…
you ask from the child, is to listen to you.
I’m going to touch on a basic parenting tip to help raise a child better. You should raise a child with empathy.
Raise a child with empathy
There is a simple difference between - Sympathy, Apathy, and Empathy.
To put it very simply -
Sympathy is when you see a person depressed. You say you understand their situation. You agree with their emotion that they are going through. You might even go a step further to say that you would have also reacted in the same way had you been a part of that situation.
Apathy is when you see someone depressed and feel that they are fools to be sad about something that petty and small.
Empathy is when you understand why someone is sad. Believe how someone can be composed in such a situation. Then play a significant role in helping them come out of the situation.
Raise a child with only empathy. Sympathy and apathy will destroy the child. They will not come out of the misery. They will try to justify their situation of being depressed. Empathy will create a strong person.
From a very young age, a child goes through an avalanche of emotions, they do not need a dialogue or a speech. They need someone who will understand the situation. Empathize with them rather than scolding them. Empathy is when you listen to the point of view of the child even when you feel quite …show more content…
You should instill the fact that you trust him when you raise a child. If you can make a child feel that you believe even if they make a mistake they will learn from it and become better at it.
It is quite common for children to make mistakes but judging them is the worst thing you can do as a parent.
It might distance you from the child.
When you empathize with your children and send the message of “I connect with you”, by giving them a hug or holding their hand, they will feel reassured. After making a mistake, in the silent chambers of their hearts, your children are already struggling to handle the myriad of emotions that they are experiencing. At that instant, the last thing they need is an “I told you so”.
Apply the COLT technique. C stands for “connect with their emotions”. Understand what they are feeling ‘right now’. O stands for “be open-minded and understand their point of view without judging”. L stands for “listen peacefully despite a difference of opinion,” and T stands for “trust” things will be better.
If a child fields that there is someone back home who understands them and empathizes with them, they will become better human beings. When you judge a child from their mistakes, there is crudeness, aggression, and negativity in your tone but when you empathize with the child there is love, compassion, and patience that makes the child feel closer to
If you can show confidence in a child. If you can make him/her believe that you are sure they can come out of the mess. You can also assure them that you are read to help them in whatever way you can. You are empathizing with the child and makes them stronger individuals.
If you kid is empathetic, half the battle is already won. Teaching a child to be empathetic can be a turning point in their lives. Sit down and have a conversation with the child and instill a sense of empathy in them.
While raising a child it is of utmost importance that you listen to the child when he/she is speaking even if there is a stark difference in opinion. You should always show that you trust that your child can overcome the situation and emerge as a stronger person.