Mr. Brown-Davis
English 1
Atticus Finch Paragraph
In “To Kill A Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch is a moral man because he sets good examples for his children because he portrays a leading figure by using his words, not fists, not judging a person until you get to understand who they are, and being able to get along with just about anyone. Atticus believed in fighting with words, not fists. “Hold your head high and keep those fists down”(Lee 76), as the story develops, Atticus reveals that he is a moral man by believing in the power of words, and that fists are not necessary in settling a feud/argument, I also envision that this applies especially to him because he is lawyer and uses words in his
everyday job. It also portrays Atticus as a man of words and his view is that words can solve any problem. Atticus believes in not judging a book by it’s cover. “You can’t really understand a person until you see things from their point of view.”(36) In this quote, Atticus exhibiting that he is a moral man because he respects other people and gives them more than one chance. He also sets an example for his children to do the same as he. Atticus teaches his children to get along with all sorts of people, no matter their color, ethnicity, or if they’re the meanest person there ever was. “If you can learn a simple trick Scout, you will get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.”(36) In this specific quote, Atticus is being a moral man because he cares about Scout being tolerable towards others. Nonetheless, Scout is wary of Atticus’s advice because of all the criticism Atticus has been getting for representing a black man in a rape trial.