This strategy of establishing credibility works to persuade the reader that the article is scholarly and worth reading. Particularly in the Introduction and Discussion sections, many other authors are cited on Struggles for multicultural incorporation in many countries like USA, Canada and Europe. Multiculturalism has many facets, with characteristics of gender and sexual qualities which test the traditional cultural activities of core groups in terms of region, ethnicity and race.vThe Struggles for multicultural incorporation in many countries followed various approaches. In Canada, Aborigines and Quebecois vigorously appealed for an alternative to assimilation with Canadian Multiculturalism Act. In the USA, with reference to black Americans overlap of issues such as racism and discrimination and ‘African-American’ culture while ‘Americanism’, was seen as distinctive culture of its own right. Throughout Europe, increased Antagonism, and antiethnic democracy over the mode of incorporation of Muslims externally against anti-civil qualities sparked a backlash against immigration (Koopmans et al.2005; Vertovec and Wessendorf 2010a). The purpose of cited evidence is to establish what is already known and accepted and to provide credibility for his own
This strategy of establishing credibility works to persuade the reader that the article is scholarly and worth reading. Particularly in the Introduction and Discussion sections, many other authors are cited on Struggles for multicultural incorporation in many countries like USA, Canada and Europe. Multiculturalism has many facets, with characteristics of gender and sexual qualities which test the traditional cultural activities of core groups in terms of region, ethnicity and race.vThe Struggles for multicultural incorporation in many countries followed various approaches. In Canada, Aborigines and Quebecois vigorously appealed for an alternative to assimilation with Canadian Multiculturalism Act. In the USA, with reference to black Americans overlap of issues such as racism and discrimination and ‘African-American’ culture while ‘Americanism’, was seen as distinctive culture of its own right. Throughout Europe, increased Antagonism, and antiethnic democracy over the mode of incorporation of Muslims externally against anti-civil qualities sparked a backlash against immigration (Koopmans et al.2005; Vertovec and Wessendorf 2010a). The purpose of cited evidence is to establish what is already known and accepted and to provide credibility for his own