June 29, 2012
Future Life Reading (Session 1)
First, I can see a man and a woman walking into view from the bottom left of the image, diagonally across the scene to the top right. They are holding hands as they walk. She is wearing a very light and airy thin materialed flowing white dress; I cannot see her hair color. She is a thin woman. The man, as they are walking is pointing things out to the woman, things in the distance. He seems to speak a lot about the things he is pointing at. He has black hair and is wearing a shirt or a jacket that reminds me of Star Trek: TNG, or other similar sci-fi attire, goldish in color and almost sparkly; the edges a 2” (at least) thick line of slightly lighter color around the outer edges of the garment. The setting appears to be sand in color, Egypt would be the closest reference from here on earth, and the sun is shining. There are others around, but not immediately close-by to this couple.
(To note: As I was writing this, at about 10:30 am Eastern Standard Time, I got a very strong smell of beer. I do not have any beer in my home.)
Second, I got a close up image of a woman’s face/head. She has moderately long dark hair, and wears what appear to be thick-lensed glasses. She is sitting in some sort of layered seating such as in an auditorium, arena, or university classroom. She is holding a pen or pencil in her right hand between her fingers, constantly moving her hand around as she speaks to a person seated to her right. I believe the person she is speaking with is male, adult, but I cannot see him. All the while, she is watching and listening to what is going on in front of her. She was wearing a light colored long-sleeved thin blouse.
Third, it started with an upside-down workboot. Behind this workboot, faded in the image of a garage or auto shop. The room looked large, but only seemed to have 1 garage door. The boot faded as